Articles | Volume 3
10 Jun 2022
 | 10 Jun 2022

Geotechnology-based Spatial Learning: The Effects on Spatial Abilities and Sketch Maps in an Inter-Cultural Study

Thomas Bartoschek and Angela Schwering

Keywords: Spatial Learning, Spatial Thinking, Spatial Abilities, Geogames, Location based games, Education

Abstract. GIS have been coined as a support to thinking and learning spatially. In particular spatial learning in real environments can be supported by Geotechnologies as location-based games. We investigate how the use of a custom map-based geocaching game influences the individual development of spatial abilities and sketch mapping. We present a cross-cultural study with primary school children consisting of two spatial ability tests and a sketch map task in a pre- and post-test setting. Improvements were found in mental rotation and sketch map perspective, individual differences in culture and gender decreased for the experimental group. We conclude with a discussion of prospects and problems of integrating this type of GIS into education and learning.
