Articles | Volume 4
06 Jun 2023
 | 06 Jun 2023

Extreme heat alerts and impacts across Mozambique 2016 – 2022: gathering evidence from media articles

Carolina Pereira Marghidan, Maarten van Aalst, Justine Blanford, Genito Maure, and Tatiana Marrufo

Keywords: extreme heat, media, heat-related impacts, Mozambique, GIS

Abstract. Heatwaves are increasing around the world and cause a range of devastating societal impacts. Effective communication during a heatwave enables the general public to prepare and, if possible, take the necessary actions. In many African countries, the recognition of heatwaves and appropriate action to reduce heat risk remains absent. In this study, extreme heat and heat-related impacts across Mozambique were analyzed across space and time by using text from media sources. Alerts were obtained by performing a broad word search across four popular media outlets (Club of Mozambique, Rádio Moçambique, O País, and Televisão de Moçambique). Between 2016 and 2022, 79 heat alerts and 12 posts on impacts were found. When mapped, a disproportionate number of articles were found for Southern provinces compared to Northern provinces. Communication of heat alerts were consistent across media outlets and included the maximum temperature forecasted and geographic locations affected. A majority of the messages (91%) did not include information on how to respond and the type of actions to take to reduce risk. Our findings provide spatio-temporal insights into extreme heat and impacts, and highlight the urgent need for an improved heatwave early warning system across Mozambique.
